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Goodbye 2024 - How fat loss looks - Free Workout

Writer: Whole Happy HealthWhole Happy Health

Hi team

2024 is over and my year has highlights and low lights (is that a word?) I got married this year, started a new role, started a fitness bootcamp, started playing football again, started fishing with my son - lots of new and starts.

Starting is sometimes the easiest thing to do.

Starting is sometimes the hardest thing to do.

But success doesn't come by the start - it comes through the consistency.

It's the same in all walks of life.

You have be a consistent good performer at work to keep your job and keep getting paid,

You have be a consistent loving partner otherwise your relationship slowly fades,

You have to be a consistent friend and make time and effort throughout the years.

It's no good, starting any of these things and only being good at the start. You will never see the value or the successes.


Documenting the year

I have a little black book. (not that kind! Im married!) but a small pocket book and at the beginning of every month I start a new page and title that page with the month name.

Underneath I write 6 headings:-




Good Days:

Tough Days:


At the begining of the month I weigh myself, document what my savings are and my wages that month.

Throughout the rest of the month I will add to the tough days, good days and what I learned.

It's nice to always go back to see what I learnt.

At the end of the year it's always nice to see what and how many good fun days and experiences I had as sometimes its easier to remember the harder days.

I've been doing this for around 4 years and the good days always out weigh the bad by double at least.

anyway, for those that panic about fat loss and when stepping on the scale about how much you gain or lose from day to day here is my monthly weigh ins and see how much the fluctuate 4kg (8.8lbs)

Jan - 76.1kg

Feb - 77.1kg

Mar - 76.1 kg

Arp - 77.8kg

May - ?

June - 76kg

July - 76.2kg

Aug - 75.8kg

Sep - 77.8kg

Oct - 76.8kg

Nov - 77.4kg

Dec - 78.3kg

What I have realised this year is that it's nice to set bumpers - setting a small range of where you are happy weight wise is a good thing because you and nobody will ever be the same weight every day of the year.

I have realised that 75kg is too low for me and above 78kg is too high. (this is for me personally you all have your own bodies and genetics and will be different)

76-77kg is a sweet spot where I feel fit and healthy and vibrant.

So that will be my aim this year is starting in that range.

But life gets in the way, I will go away, there will be weeks I don't exercise, there will be parties and biscuits at work and I will get sick.

This will mean my body weight will increase and decease but I wont stress too much I will reset and get back with consistent eating and working out.


Free Workout

As we go into 2025 here is a free workout

You are welcome.


Saturday Morning Bootcamp


Some great advice from the legendary strength coach Dan John

"The Ten Commandments of "Keeping the Goal the Goal" as a Coach

· Train appropriate to your goal(s).

· Train "little and often over the long haul."

· The longer one takes to get in shape or condition, the "longer" the shape or condition remains.

· Warm up and cool down really have a role.

· Be sure to train for volume before you train for intensity.

· You must cycle the workouts somehow.

· Train in community, of some kind.

· Train your mind.

· Keep your training program in perspective.

· Yes, it is going to be the Fundamentals (the basics) that will rule everything else: fundamental movements, basics of flexibility and mobility, basic techniques, and basic nutrition.

Speaking of nutrition, here is my little list of the "secrets" to diet:

The Eight Not So Secret Secrets of Nutrition (Diet)

· Eat like an adult

· Focus on protein and vegetables

· Drink water

· Avoid drinking calories

· Train in a fasted state sometimes

· Stay hungry after some workouts

· Food (including fermented foods and fruit) are probably the best supplements

· Nutrition has never been complicated but "simple" makes it harder to make money"

I can't make more sense than that!


Show up

Eat well

Be consistent

Do your best

  • Chris



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