Hi team
Today was the day that I had to put up the trampoline for the birthday of my son tomorrow.
(His actual birthday was 5 days ago but we didn't tell him as I hadn't had time to put the trampoline up and my better half and I have been working all week!)
We have the sons birthday party tomorrow.
We are going 90s, none of this hiring a hall or a softplay. Kids at our house, with pass the parcel and just kids running riot!
It worked back in my day and if not they all have a huge trampoline to jump on!
I did this with the help of the father in law and the box said 1 hour.... why lie?
It took two.
I managed to get a workout in today from Old Skool Strength.
All in all it 15 mins and then I added a another exercise just for fun.
Since becoming a father I get really annoyed it lasts longer that 20 mins.
It's not needed to more that 20 to 30 mins.
It's all about getting the right moves in the right intensity. (That's what she said.)
I think all the old skool strength workouts shouldn't be longer that 15 mins. But in think I'm averaging 20mins as I'm resting too long between sets.
Right moves
Right intensity
That is the motto for today.
Clean and press 50kg
Deadlift 120kg
Chin ups 25kg
Curls 50kg
Dips 40kg
Ab wheel
*Famers walk with shrugs* up and down the street 16kg in each hand